Monday, February 23, 2009

Life is poo

It seems like almost everyone i know is feeling crappy lately. I'm gonna blame it on winter. It's almost over, but it still sucks the way it just drags on and on and brings everyone down with it. Come on spring, get here already.

This is that stupid groundhog's fault!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I need to workout, but I am so lazy and unmotivated. I just need to do it, but... but but but. I have a million excuses, and some of them are more valid than others but I still suck and need to just get off my butt and go do it. I have been doing well following the weight watchers plan as far as eating is concerned, but I haven't worked out at all. I suck. Tonight I am gonna hit the treadmill and that's that.

Also, Valentine's Day is coming up, and it happens to fall on a three day weekend, that is so awesome. Aaron and I will have to plan to do something fun.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Now who's the hobag?

Apparently it's me, because I haven't written here in so long. Problem is my life is boring. I'm on weight watchers AGAIN, my boyfriend and I argue all the time about stupid stuff and I got so drunk this weekend I don't remember most of it, but they tell me I had a really good time.