Wednesday, May 20, 2009

New news

First of all let me say that I am ecstatic to have gotten my period, a week and 2 days late, but that beats the alternative thank you berry much. Woo hoo, I'm so happy I don't have to deal with that whole mess right now.

Secondly, poor little Javier had to get his teeth cleaned yesterday by the vet and they removed FIVE teeth. Apparently he was already missing 2 teeth, so all in all he is 8 short of normal. He is my little redneck hickspanic kitty kat. He was pretty stoned last night, but he seemed fine. His eyes were all glassy and bloodshot and his pupils were HUGE, and he kept begging me for food. He should be back to normal today, hopefully.

Lastly, Miss Daisy Dog is coming home with us Friday after work and I'm so excited you have no idea. I can hardly wait. It's going to be so much fun having a puppy and I really hope that she will fit in with our pre-exsisting animal family. I think if I just get both the kitties super stoned they won't even notice, lol. (just kidding by the way, I am strongly opposed to recreational drug use by kitty cats.)

That's all I got for now folks, check back later.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Look at these lazy bastards

Those bastards, sleeping the day away when some people have to work for a living!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Aaron's buying a house, for us. I know it may sound weird, but I'm not going to be property with him unless I have a ring on my finger, so that's that. So since he has better credit than me, he's buying a house for us to live in. I'm really excited about moving though. It's a nice house, but it's going to need a lot of TLC. It's a forclosure. The people who lived there before were running a daycare center and most of the walls are painted this god awful pink. The garage was converted into a daycare playroom and there are disney princesses and crap like that all over the walls. There are no appliances in the place. The carpets are trashed and smell like cat piss. There is a crack in the master bathroom tub. So there is a lot of work and money that's going to have to go into this house. Not to mention that we don't even have enough furniture to fill the place. It's a 4 bedroom, 3.5 bathroom house, with a partially finished basement and a fenced in backyard. Perfect place for Ms. Daisy Dog to run around and play, and lots of places for Mr. Q and Javi-Bear to hide and be all stealth and cat-like. So closing date is May 29th. Our lease is up at the apartment at the end of June, so we will actually have a month buffer to fix up the place and make it livable, of course we will be paying double rent that month too. Oh well...

Once everything is cleaned up and the place in presentable we will be having a housewarming party. Hopefully we can combine that with our birthday party, which is July 10. Anyone reading this blog is invited.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

OMG Puppies!!!

Aaron and I went to go visit our puppy. She's five weeks old.Isn't she precious?
She fell asleep on my boobs, she loves me already.
Here's mama, with her babies.
The whole clan! I wish we could take them all.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Do you think he's trying to tell me something?

It's either "rub my chin" or "my dish is empty", pretty sure it's a combination of both.

Monday, April 27, 2009


My doctor and I decided to add a new medication to my cabinet of psychotropic drugs (well there was only 1, now there's 2). And I actually can already feel the effects of this stuff. I feel the energy and the drive to be more productive. That's a good thing. I just feel like a crazy person though, I mean, who needs 2 different antidepressant medications?

Me, that's who. I beat all y'all in the depression game. Woo Hoo!

Also, with this stuff I have a decreased appetite so I have to actually force myself to eat before I become ravenous. I used to just eat all the time. So there's another plus.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

It's hot out today

I should be cleaning my closet right now, since that's the project I assigned to myself today, but it's soooooo messy as you can see

and I just don't feel like hanging out in my closet when I could be outdoors playing frisbee with someone but no one wants to go outside with me :(

Here is another photo, just for shits & giggles:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I took the day off work today, I felt like poop and I needed a mental health day. I cleaned out the fridge, cleaned the bathroom, and cooked some awesome thai curry. Along with vegging out talking online to friends all day, napping, and watching the news about those crazy tea bagging parties. Overall a pretty good day, I wish I didn't have to go back to work tomorrow, but *sigh* I do. How lame.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I'm broke

It's become quite obvious to me that I simply have no idea how to properly manage my money. It's been over a month now where I am literally living paycheck to paycheck. Granted, I did have to pay $500 to get my car fixed a few weeks ago and that put a dent in my bank account. But why is it that I can't seem to just keep the money that I'm making instead of letting it run through my fingers like water? I need to take a class or something, but only if it's free.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Very disappointed

Both Katherine and Olivia have mentioned how they love Janet Evanovich (or at least I think those two are the ones who said that), so I bought this book one day while searching costco for bulk sized kitty litter.It SUCKED majorly. Like, I kept waiting for some kind of cohesive plot, and there was none. I kept waiting for some common thing tying together all this random stuff that kept happening, but it never came. It was just a really weak and unbelievable romance. No real conflict or drama or anything. I hate to write off an author completely, but if this is indicative of all her other books, I don't think I will bother reading any others.

Totally adorable

Kingsford Goes to the Beach - video powered by Metacafe

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


So we are officially getting a puppy. I don't have pictures yet I'm sorry :( I think we are going to name her Daisy, but of course you can't really name a dog before you bring her home.

Aaron and I are looking for a house, even though Aaron is going to be the one buying it because he has better credit than I do.

Work sucks, I'm bored out of my mind and I want to switch careers. Not really sure what I would want to switch to, but there you have it. I'm unfulfilled.

Spring is here, and that excites me greatly.

Monday, March 23, 2009


So one of Aaron's coworkers has a boxer.

Who got it on with a german shepherd
And I totally want to get in on that action.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Just for fun

My real-life boyfriend

My real boyfriend


Letting the days go by...

Have you ever taken stock of you life, like for real? Taken a look at yourself in the mirror, taken a look around your home, your career, your relationships, everything, and wonder how the hell did I get here?

My dad was here this weekend, just briefly came into DC for a convention and came down on Friday night to have dinner and stay the night. He was looking at Q-Tip and asked me how old he was now. I had to think... I got Q-Tip from a friend of my parents' (it's a whole other blog post really). This woman Phyllis who left her two kitties behind (Q-Tip was one, my ex took the other with him), sometime in early 2002. I had just moved in with my ex Alex, to this ridiculous little apartment that we were basically squatting in, and took in Q-Tip and Endo (short for endorphin, which was her full name given by the friend).

Really thinking back to that time in my life, I was 21 and living in Pilsen, going to art school, living with a man-boy with whom I already knew it wasn't going to work. I look at my life right now, I'm 27, living in Fredericksburg, working in Dahlgren for the navy, living with a not-quite-grown-up-man with whom I'm not really sure it's going to work (not that I'm being negative, but if Aaron and I were both really completely sure it was going to work, we'd be married already, and we're not, so obviously we're both a little apprehensive). That 21 y/o me would never have imagined this life. Never in a million years would this have shown up on my radar. Granted I was pretty directionless back then, I really had no clue where I was gonna be. I still feel rather directionless. When I look at what I want for my future, five years from now, I really have no clue where I will be and what I will be doing. I don't really want to be here, doing this.

[random thought] Right now I'm watching Desperate Housewives and I'm looking at Kyle MacLachlan and thinking about how Twin Peaks is a lot like Wysteria Lane.[/random thought]

I feel like I kinda wandered into this spot in life. I'm really not the kind of person who makes plans, or even follows them. I don't feel I've ever really worked hard for something. I don't feel particularly passionate about anything. I sorta almost feel completely numb. Like nothing in particular makes me feel anything in particular. I'm not really happy, but I can't say that I'm exactly unhappy either.

I've probably had more time to myself tonight than I needed. I've been thinking too much. I need a change in my life, but I'm really not sure what that change needs to be. I love Aaron, but sometimes I wonder if he and I have the same goals in life.

My ultimate goal in life would be to actually be HAPPY. I don't know if I will ever know what I really want to do with my life, career-wise, relationship-wise, whatever, until I'm actually truly HAPPY. Not smiling goofy happy, just content, feeling like I have direction and passion, and whatever. But how will I ever feel HAPPY unless I actually have something to feel passionate about, something that makes me feel satisfied?

I'm not really happy at my job. I just don't find it exciting. I don't find it particularly important in any real way. It can definitely be fun sometimes. I have learned a lot since I've been there. I don't really enjoy shooting grip and grins, I don't like paperwork, I don't like archiving things and having to be organized. But when I try and think about what it is I would rather be doing, I'm not really sure. I can't really imagine, right now, a vocation that will truly make me feel important, and stimulated (intellectually), and whatever other emotion you're supposed to feel in regards to your career.

Well whatever it is, I obviously need to shut my brain off right now. I've been thinking too much this evening because I'm home alone and no one is here to distract me. So I will sign off now. Perhaps if I'm not engrossed in ennui tomorrow, I will muster up the energy to dial a phone and speak with a therapist and get started on getting my sh*t together.

Friday, March 20, 2009

This is for Jenn

I'm writing in here! Look! Here it is, a new post? No one but you is reading this though... so I can say whatever I want! I got a tattoo this week, it still hurts a little bit but it's cute. It's a pink shamrock. Yes pink, not green, cuz that's how I roll.

Also I got a MacBook Pro last night because my boyfriend is trying to bribe me into giving him head. I think I will hold out for an SLR camera though.

Friday, March 13, 2009

I have horrible luck

So I got into ANOTHER accident on my way into work this morning. :(

I was going into the gate and I decided to get into the right turn lane (There are two right turn lanes to get into "B" gate and the left turn lane is always backed up with a 1000 cars and the right lane is always clear). So I was in the left lane stuck not moving and so I checked my mirror, turned and looked at my blind spot, everything was clear. I didn't see a single car in that lane. Well I went to merge and CRUNCH, I hit somebody.

No one was hurt and there was minimal damage. He has a dent in his fender, and I have some paint transfer on my passenger side back door. Nothing too serious. The state trooper came and he didn't give either one of us the ticket but I'm not sure how that works out with insurance. I really hope this guy doesn't try to get me to pay for this because then my insurance is going to go SKY HIGH, and I really can't afford that. Crappity crap crap.

The only thing that is going to get me through the day is thinking that I might get my wonderful purse today.

Monday, March 9, 2009

New Purse

Woo hoo! I know it's lame to get excited about a purse, but I am, what can I say?

I bought this little gem from Bolsa Bonita a little lady out in Austin makes all these by hand and they are all so cute!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Life is poo

It seems like almost everyone i know is feeling crappy lately. I'm gonna blame it on winter. It's almost over, but it still sucks the way it just drags on and on and brings everyone down with it. Come on spring, get here already.

This is that stupid groundhog's fault!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I need to workout, but I am so lazy and unmotivated. I just need to do it, but... but but but. I have a million excuses, and some of them are more valid than others but I still suck and need to just get off my butt and go do it. I have been doing well following the weight watchers plan as far as eating is concerned, but I haven't worked out at all. I suck. Tonight I am gonna hit the treadmill and that's that.

Also, Valentine's Day is coming up, and it happens to fall on a three day weekend, that is so awesome. Aaron and I will have to plan to do something fun.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Now who's the hobag?

Apparently it's me, because I haven't written here in so long. Problem is my life is boring. I'm on weight watchers AGAIN, my boyfriend and I argue all the time about stupid stuff and I got so drunk this weekend I don't remember most of it, but they tell me I had a really good time.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Back from the brink (of death)!

Well I got some kinda nasty virus that has been going around. Either I got it from my brother, while I was in Chicago, or I got from some typhoid Mary on the plane ride back, or I got it from Aaron who was sick when I got home. Regardless, I think this virus was trying to kill me. Last night I was soooo sick, I could barely move. Everything was achy, and I had a temperature of 102.4, even though I was shivering all over and sweating like a pig. To make matters worse, my monthly visitor pooped over yesterday too, whatabitch!

Anyway, I took some nyquil last night and fell asleep sometime around 9ish. Sometime during the night my fever broke because I had to take off my fleece sweater that I went to bed in when I was freezing cold. This morning my temp was only 99.1, and I don't feel all the ridiculous aches and pains. I am still stuffed up and have a sore throat, but I feel much better. Woo hoo! Live to fight another day!

Sunday, January 4, 2009


I posted most of the pictures on my facebook book page cuz it's way easier to do it there, but for some reason one of my pictures didn't go up. So here it is!

This is a view of the Chicago skyline from my parents' place on the South Lakeshore. If you want to see the rest of the pictures from my trip go here (hope that works!)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!

I just got home today from being in Chicago for a week. I was extremely lucky in that neither one of my flights was delayed for any reason and flying in both directions was rather uneventful.

I got to see a lot of old friends and people I haven't seen in a while, which is always awesome! Got to see fireworks on New Years Eve which is the best. Mrs. Butterface and the Sturgeon came out with me on New Year's too and it's insane how easy it is to pick up where you left off with people even if you haven't seen them for a long time. I also finally got to meet the newest member of our family, Adrianna, who is the cutest little thing I've ever seen EVER. Literally. She's such a happy go lucky baby. I went in to her room after her nap and she was sitting up in her crib smiling and when she saw me she clapped her hands and stood up and put her hands up in the air immediately cuz she wanted to be picked up. You don't get much cuter than that.

I got home today around quarter to 5 and Aaron and I ate a bunch of carbs and attempted to watch a movie together except I fell asleep. I'm happy to be home with the boyfriend again even though I really am missing the city now.

I have a bunch of New Year's resolutions this time around but I'm so tired I don't even want to list them right now. Needless to say, 2008 was not a very good year for me. I really don't feel like I accomplished much and I let myself go in a lot of ways. I've got to step it up a notch, and get myself together so I can be a happier and more productive person.

Well that's all I got for now. I will post some pictures soon once I get off my butt and get them on the computer. Ta ta!