Tuesday, December 11, 2007

It's been a while since I posted

There's not much NEW going on in my life right to post about I guess. Life is just chug chug chuggin along as normal. I did a lot of shopping this weekend, but most of it was for me and not for Christmas presents, which I'm kinda feeling guilty about but whatever, I needed the stuff I bought so it wasn't all impulse buying. I did get a few presents for people though which is nice and now I will probably have to wait until my next paycheck which comes the Friday before Christmas before I can finish my Christmas shopping.

It's funny - I am a atheist/agnostic (born and raised if you will) and I celebrate Christmas because it's the "American Way" I suppose. This Chinese girl that I work with is also atheist/agnostic and she doesn't celebrate Christmas, because there aren't nearly as many Christains in China as there are in the US, so it's not as hyped up I guess. The thing is, Christmas (at least the way my family and a lot of families celebrate it) is not really that Christain of a holiday (not like Easter, Good Friday, etc.) The tree is Pagan, the colors red & green are pagan winter solstice colors, etc. etc. etc. So I suppose it doesn't really matter that I celebrate Christmas. I enjoy giving people presents as a way of showing them I appreciate them. I enjoy spending time with my friends and family. To me that's what Christmas is.

There's my rambling post for the week, I hope you enjoyed it.

1 comment:

girlysmack said...

That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.