Friday, March 13, 2009

I have horrible luck

So I got into ANOTHER accident on my way into work this morning. :(

I was going into the gate and I decided to get into the right turn lane (There are two right turn lanes to get into "B" gate and the left turn lane is always backed up with a 1000 cars and the right lane is always clear). So I was in the left lane stuck not moving and so I checked my mirror, turned and looked at my blind spot, everything was clear. I didn't see a single car in that lane. Well I went to merge and CRUNCH, I hit somebody.

No one was hurt and there was minimal damage. He has a dent in his fender, and I have some paint transfer on my passenger side back door. Nothing too serious. The state trooper came and he didn't give either one of us the ticket but I'm not sure how that works out with insurance. I really hope this guy doesn't try to get me to pay for this because then my insurance is going to go SKY HIGH, and I really can't afford that. Crappity crap crap.

The only thing that is going to get me through the day is thinking that I might get my wonderful purse today.

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