Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Another year older

Not to sound morose or anything, but I think this is going to probably be the most depressing birthday I've had since my 15th, where I spent almost that whole summer crying by myself in my bedroom. I'm not gonna do that this year, but I feel just as lost and confused. Must be this quarter-life crisis everyone is always going on about. There's no real reason for me to be depressed, I have a decent job, I have a boyfriend who loves me, I have family and friends who love me, but I just feel directionless and joyless. Don't know what I want to do with my life, and I feel like I have to make up my mind soon because I'm getting to that point where it's not OK to just be an aimless 20something.

I've been thinking of going back to school and going for a complete career change. I have been thinking about going to nursing school. I think it would be something that I would be really good at, since I'm really good with people, I'm caring and patient and cool in a crisis. But then I think about the fact that I'm going to have to take math and chemistry and I get a little nervous. I think about the fact that nurses have to see some really depressing shit all the time and I wonder if my tender heart can take it.

I really have a need to help people and I don't feel like the job I'm doing now is what I want to do with the rest of my life. So I don't know...

I wanted to have a little birthday celebration, but to be honest I'm just not in the mood.


girlysmack said...

I'm so sorry you are feeling blue... I think it is a symptom of your age. Whatever you do, don't make any major decisions right now.

I mean, go back to school and change careers if you think you should, but don't ever get a new hairstyle when you are feeling this way. ;)

Sam said...

I'm with you on the quarter life crisis ... friends and yoga help.
Despite feeling blue, I wish you a belated Happy Birthday! See you at OVBC.

Jenn M said...

I'll let you borrow my book I'm not going to read HA :)
Join the gym with me.. its helping me for now