Thursday, April 2, 2009

Very disappointed

Both Katherine and Olivia have mentioned how they love Janet Evanovich (or at least I think those two are the ones who said that), so I bought this book one day while searching costco for bulk sized kitty litter.It SUCKED majorly. Like, I kept waiting for some kind of cohesive plot, and there was none. I kept waiting for some common thing tying together all this random stuff that kept happening, but it never came. It was just a really weak and unbelievable romance. No real conflict or drama or anything. I hate to write off an author completely, but if this is indicative of all her other books, I don't think I will bother reading any others.


Retainer Girl said...

The Stephanie Plum series by Evanovich is good, but her other books fall flat. It's a shame because the Plum ones are SO good, but yeah, not so much for the rest.

BlondeJustice said...

I believe I mentioned liking the Sthephanie Plum Evanoviches not the other ones. So before you write her off give One For The Money a try. If you don't like those then you are a communist and I shouldn't know you. :D