Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Copied from Roxanna who copied from Erin who copied from Katherine who copied from Adrienne:

1. To whom did you last give the finger? My coworker Donnie for saying "Pizza Pizza" while I was talking to my other coworker Jon, it's an inside joke.

2. If you had 1,000 dollars what would you buy? I would also pay a bill.

3.What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself? Probably coffee

4. Are you different now than you were 6 months ago? Sure, if you want to talk on a cellular sense I'm probably a whole new person.

5. Have you been anywhere exciting in the last three days? Nope

6. What was the last photograph you took? Phalanx, it's a gun.

7. Where were you last night around 9:30? Home, watching the end of Live Free or Die Hard (lame!)

8. What do you think of guys that wear eyeliner? LAME

9. How many hours did you last sleep? 7ish

10. Who was the last person to whom you spoke on the phone? I actually just got off the phone with Jenn M.

11. 50 Cent shows up at your door, what do you do? Tell him he's got the wrong house.

12. How was the last egg you ate prepared? Over-easy, with toast.

13. Where did you last wear sunglasses? Driving home

14. Ever worn your underwear backwards? yes, but not on purpose

15. Who was the last person to smoke a cigarette in your presence? Myself

16. Does it bother you when people put && before every sentence and after? If I ever saw someone do that, then, yes, it would.

17. What animal did you last pet or hold? Mr. Q

18. What was the last law you broke? Gravity

19. What are you wearing? Black hoodie, jeans, sneakers.

20. What did you think of your last kiss? Pretty normal

21. What was the last newspaper you read or skimmed?

22. What was the last word written on your hand? Don't remember the last time I wrote on my hand

23. What was the last hair product you used? shampoo and conditioner

24. What was the last text message you received? "Did u get any emails or 3 haha" from Jenn

26. Who was the last person to make you really laugh? Aaron

27. To what song did you last sing along? I always sing along to the radio, even if I don't know the words.

28. What was the last musical instrument played in your presence? Aaron plays the trumpet for me all the time.

29. What was the last superstitious thing you did? Knock on wood

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