Thursday, November 15, 2007

Night time snacks

It's incredible, I'm SURE I'm not the only person sabotaging myself this way, but it's still annoying. I can eat well all day long, then when night time rolls around, all I can think about is snacking! I try my best to control myself, but lately (perhaps because of hormones, depression, lack of sunlight, coldness, whatevs) I really can't. I had a good weigh in this past Saturday at Weight Watchers (-3.7 lbs. for a total of 33.1 lbs. lost) but I'm sure I'm just right back up again because of all my bingeing :(


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the weight loss! That's awesome! And no, you're not the only one. Nighttime is my worst time too. I lose control and go crazy.

Jenn M said...

I binge too.. and only late at night.. all day I starve and I am so proud of myself.. then that GD bag of Doritos slips me a roofy or something and there I go.. LOL..

Roxanna said...

lol at Jenn's comment

Man you are doing great. Everday is a new day. But I also do really well all day long and then the Sh*t hits the fan when I get home.