Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy January 7th!

Monday monday/ can't trust that day

So I started using the patch this morning, the nicotine patch that is. I haven't had any cigarette's yet today, which is a good start. I'm NOT going to have any cigarettes for the rest of my life! That's going to be my mantra everytime I get a craving for a smoke. No cigarettes EVER!

Saw Sweeny Todd last night, I liked it but Aaron didn't. Saw Olivia and Katherine there, that was cool. The movie was really dark and graphic, but I liked it.

Saturday I layed around and was lazy all freakin day, I felt kinda bad about that, but whatevs, I must have needed that.

1 comment:

Roxanna said...

I wish you good luck with the patch :)