Thursday, February 14, 2008

Diet Soda Can Make You Fat?

According to this story, yes

I've always known that artificial sweeteners aren't exactly health food, but actually make you gain weight in some magical "changing your brain chemistry" way, sounds crazy. I could probably give up diet soda, not a big deal, but what the hell am I gonna put in my coffee, I can't very well drink it black YUCK. A while ago I remember hearing about a no-calorie natural sweetener called stevia, I wonder where I can find that and try it out.


Retainer Girl said...

Just use regular sugar. I think it's better to be on a non-processed food diet anyway. All natural ingredients are the way to go. That's why I eat Ben & Jerry's ice cream. It's totally healthy b/c I know what all of the ingredients are.

BlondeJustice said...

You can find stevia at Ukrops and I believe most Giants now carry it. Also Healthway on Rt.3 carries it. :) I too agree with all natural ingredients, no artificial, however that does make for slower weightloss but you get to keep your kidneys! :)

CindyLou said...

lol @ ben & jerry's being healthy! it is good though