Monday, October 8, 2007

Columbus Day

So I'm at work today, even though it's a government holiday and my customers are all off of work and there's nothing for me to do. Since I'm a contractor I don't get the day off and I have to come in to the office and sit around with nothing to do. Boring. Why does the government get off for this day anyway? Columbus got lost in the ocean, landed on a continent that already had a bunch of people living on it, he killed most of them (if he didn't kill them directly, then he started it) and now the government and certain school districts get the day off? How lame is that. Oh yeah, and don't forget about the furniture sales. I need a new mattress, so maybe it's good for something.

Anyway, so I am gonna leave early today because theres nothing to do, but I didn't want to take the whole day off because I don't have enough leave for that. Woo-hoo. I think I will get a haircut today.

1 comment:

Jenn M said...

I am at work too. I think that the government officials just want days off.. so since our tax dollars are already paying the salary.. why not? I'm angry when days like this go on.. I work at a mail center... clients are out and the mail doesn't run but I still have to work. For what? I mean that doesn't even make sense. .. I feel your pain sister!!! LOL