Friday, October 26, 2007

So it starts again

It's the end of my cycle and I should be getting my period soon and I'm feeling like poop on a platter. Yesterday I fell asleep on the couch at about 5:15 and slept until 9:30. Then I was up for a couple hours and feeling icky and I whined and cried to Aaron about stupid stuff, and then we had an argument about the dishes. Then I fell asleep again from 11:30 until 6am this morning. The night before it was the same thing, sleep from 5:30 until 9:30, then sleep again from 11 to 6am. Feeling sluggish and icky. I don't know if those are symptoms of PMDD, or if I'm just totally worn out and tired from the long stressful hours I'm pulling at work. I just want 3 straight days off I think so I can recoup. Not going to happen though. I'm working 12 hrs. this coming up Saturday :(

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